This is what has always driven us: empowering everyone. Our programs, with no barriers to entry or classification on exit, allow us to equip and enable all the players in society to work together. Our goal? Change the system to change the world.

makesense for citizens
How can you take action on environmental and social issues when you don’t know where to start?
makesense develops specific engagement programs that allow everyone to make the transition and find teammates to do so. Depending on the format, the experience can last for two hours, two weeks or two months. Our programs are designed for both those starting out and those who are already involved, moving from individual awareness to collective mobilization.
#Apéros, #Creativity workshops, #Cafés-debates, #Collective action programs, #Festivals, #Neighborhood tours

In 2020, in the midst of the covid crisis, 8,000 citizens helped out caregivers, isolated seniors, and homeless people in a dozen countries, thanks to our commitment to re-action programs.
makesense for entrepreneur
At makesense we believe that social innovation can bring new answers to the issues of the 21st century. This is why we offer social entrepreneurs personalized strategic support, access to our ecosystem and incubators, funding and credibility, whatever their field of impact is (nutrition, intergenerational links, waste, obesity, reception of migrants, education …).
#Workshops in universities and schools #6-week course for new entrepreneurs #Incubation programs #Web platform help #Mentoring #Networking #Funds

Too good to go, Wecandoo, les Talents d’Alphonse, la Cloche and over a hundred other entrepreneurs have come out of makesense France’s incubator.
makesense for organizations
In order for them to meet the challenges of the 21st century and turn towards solidarity and ecological commitment, makesense provides organizations with the keys and tools to transform their model and their operations. Through strategic and operational consulting, the creation and organization of communities, seminars and training, and creating connections with our active ecosystem, we enable organizations to transform themselves sustainably to be part of the solution.
#Formations #Conseils #Open innovation #Intrapreneuriat #Organisation #Gouvernance

makesense Philippines helps Sanofi in its mission to make health care accessible to underprivileged populations. Thanks to the collaboration of 1,000 citizens and 9 social start-ups, 20,000 people have been treated.