Keeping the balance
makesense is a non-profit organization and, as such, is not intended to make money, nor to lose it for that matter. Our objective is to be balanced and to maintain a diversity of funding sources.

All countries’ offices have their own economic model. Globally, our annual budget of 4 million is distributed as follows:
Services for companies, organizations and associations to support them in their strategies for social engagement, responsible innovation and global transformation.
Sponsorship of our various engagement programs by companies and communities.
Public subsidies (local authorities, countries, European government) to support and develop some of our thematic actions.
Donations & sponsorhip from foundations and individuals to finance the research and development part of our projects and our own organization. If you want to join our circle of donors, please click here.
Alone we go faster, with our partners we go further.
Thank you to all those who have enabled us to mobilize citizens and support social entrepreneurs for so many years (non-exhaustive list)…