makesense Global

Welcome to our world of optimistic activists!

Without our incredible volunteers, we wouldn’t be so strong. We also owe this tremendous energy to our full-time staff.

Our governance

Those doing the work make the best decisions!

If there is one sentence you will never hear at makesense it is: “I have to ask my boss’ boss”. Here there is no boss, no more than there is a hierarchy. Searching since its founding for the ideal organizational structure, makesense landed on both Frédéric Laloux ‘s idea of the ‘Teal organization’ as well as nonviolent communication to define its own organizational model, validated by 100% of the employees in the summer of 2018. Here are the main principles:

Elections without candidates you will have to choose between

Originating from dynamic governance, this process makes it possible to collectively designate the person who will take responsibility for a role, a position or a function without there having been any candidates beforehand. This is how, for exemple, the members of the waterline, our internal body of wise people, are designated. They are consulted when a decision can endanger the finances or the image of the association. 

The right to make the mistakes you will make

This is undoubtedly the pre-requisite for any Teal organization: trusting its collaborators and allowing everyone the possibility to make mistakes (not every 5 minutes, though). At makesense, error is part of the learning process.

The confidence in yourself you will develop

Our mission requires us to be nimble and creative; no holding anyone back! All personalities are encouraged to express themselves, to cultivate their differences. “Come as you are” could have been our motto if it hadn’t been co-opted to sell French fries.

The informed advice you will seek

Seeking advice is the central pillar of our organization and is based on the idea that the decision-making power should go to the person who takes hold of the subject. Through a well-oiled process, this person consults all the people impacted by the decision and all the experts in the field. They then make their choices contentiously and with confidence.

The Conflicts you will defuse

We are not a team of Care Bears and not everything is rosy even in the best of worlds, but we strive towards it by cultivating a culture of feedback to defuse conflicts. When something goes wrong, we express it using the codes of non-violent communication. A team of intern mediators can also be called in when dialogue becomes more difficult. 

The salary you will set

No more hallway discussions about the big boss’ bonus (which does not exist here)! The salary scale is transparent and allows everyone, according to their expertise, seniority, and role in the organization, to set their remuneration. This is reviewed each year during the development committees, a kind of annual peer review.

The evolutions you will accept

This whole system, all these processes are regularly put to the test by reality and are revised, readjusted and challenged. Our liberated organization is very much a living one.

Our values

Practice what we preach

Embody the positive change we want to see. It can be either in your decision making, the way you handle your projects, you collaborate with volunteers and coordinate our partnerships.

Strive for positive impact towards a sustainable and inclusive society at all times, as we’re used to say “No bullshit, just impact!”.

Be free as much as you’re responsible

At makesense, we believe that every individual is trustworthy, so we have made the choice to give freedom to fulltimers & volunteers.

This freedom comes with the responsibility to honor the trust given by the collective during all the fultimer’s journey. We’re responsible for others but also for ourselves.

Build true & kind relationships

Human relations are at the core of our humanity. At makesense, we believe that true & kind relations make yourself & your teammates grow. makesense is a trustful & benevolent workplace. 

We put prejudice aside and encourage challenging & open interactions internally and externally to build an inclusive and kind society. 

Let’s enjoy the ride together

We try to bring positive energy and we don’t take ourselves too seriously even if the topics are serious. We always check on each other : teamspirit is essential. We offer joyful and positive ways to get engaged with makesense as any stakeholders: volunteers, clients or fulltimers.

We take time to celebrate our achievements even if the way to get the result is as important as the result itself.

Try, learn then share

We are constantly in movement, embracing the world with curiosity and an open mind. We dare trying new things and taking risks to find opportunities. We encourage bold and courageous moves and promote the right to fail.

We can make the best out of it by laughing & sharing what we’ve learned and help everyone else learn from it.

Want to join the makesense team? 

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