makesense power of 10
In 2010, makesense was just a Facebook group. Today it is a community present in 100 cities on 5 continents, known for its citizen debates, its “holdups” workshops, its social innovation races, its incubation, transformation and intrapreneurship programs…
But it is no longer enough. Time is running out.
Our ambition for 2030 is to go faster, further, to multiply the number of people taking action for a sustainable and inclusive society, to train them to make their actions effective, to bring them together, and to enable their solutions to reach the heart of the system. This is our makesense power 10 strategy.
It is at the heart of our factory that all our mobilization programs are built. From one day to one month, they enable hundreds of thousands of citizens to understand the challenges facing society, to take effective action and mobilize others around them. Our goal for 2030 is to mobilize 10% of the world’s young people around environmental and social issues. In order to multiply our engagement programs, we will train thousands of involved citizens, develop a high-performance digital infrastructure and continue to design effective programs with our partners in the field.
“Let’s encourage each committed person to mobilize another ten people, who will in turn mobilize ten more people…”
For 10 years, we have been creating involved communities that enable the greatest number of people to implement new ideas and we have been supporting solution providers. The goal of our campus is to strengthen the theoretical framework of these years of practice and to formalize our empirical teachings in order to transmit them to those who are changing the world. NGOs, public actors, private companies, entrepreneurs, essential links in our society will have access to our content, methods and open-source online tools, and will benefit from our support programs and individual coaching. The end game being to multiply their own impact.
“Over the next 10 years, let’s train thousands of professionals to use our tools and our knowledge about communities and impact entrepreneurship within the makesense campus.”
Commitment is no longer enough. Today, citizen action, like the mobilization of all the actors, only makes sense if it’s part of a dynamic of cooperation. Therefore, over the next few years, we will gather all our energies to change a branch or a field. We will create or contribute to thematic coalitions with as many partners as possible to stand together and collectively give us the means for systemic change.
“Let’s focus 10 times more on our collective effort through thematic coalitions.”
Testing and living the principles of a free, sustainable and inclusive society within our own organization and community is also part of our strategy for the next 10 years. We have already made a good start in our transition thanks to our decentralized governance (decisions by consent, self-determination of salaries, compassionate communication, etc.). We will continue this experimentation, test, make mistakes, start over, measure our impact and always adjust. The idea is to bring the values we believe in to life.
“For the next 10 years, let’s live and experiment the change within our own organization.”
Over the next 10 years, we will act strongly and collectively, measure the impact of our actions and make the community of optimistic activists grow to the point of the 10% … And we will change the world.